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Read the previous questions and answers, you may find the right advice for yourself. Please note that this is not a substitute for a personal consultation with a doctor.

Does HOMEOPATHY act slowly?

Dr. N Madhavi Reddy D.H.M.S answers / advises

Answer: The notion Homoeopathy acts slowly? or HOMEOPATHY takes long time to show results. is baseless. In acute illnesses if remedy is selected accurately, its effect is almost magical. In chronic illnesses, time taken is relative to the duration of illness.

Why a detailed history is needed for homeopathic treatment?

dr. Carolina James answers / advises

Answer: Long interviews/Detailed history have their use, as HOMEOPATHY wants to go into your deep study, by considering your immediate sufferings, your past illnesses, your hereditary tendencies and family history, your emotional status as a whole - during illness and otherwise, your liking and disliking in food, drink, temperature, weather etc and many more things to select an appropriate remedy to stimulate your immune system as a whole to make you disease- free totally.

I am not having any specific disease. Can I take homeopathic treatment for increasing my immunity level?

dr. Ema Hudson answers / advises

Answer: If you are healthy why do you want medication. BUT, I understand the bottomline of your question and it is the human nature to improve upon the existing condition. If we can demarcate any such parameter by which it can be substantiated that your immunity level has increased, YES, homoeopathy has the potential to do so.

How much time one should give for treatment of chronic and long-standing problems?

dr. Carolina James answers / advises

Answer: There is no THUMB RULE to know the duration of treatment required. A minimum period of three to six month is generally enough to feel the perceptible difference though the complete restoration may depend on many diverse factors like chronicity of complaints, multiplicity of complaints, severity of complaints, recurrence of complaints, past history, family history, age and individual's response to the treatment, continued physical, mental and psychological stresses etc.

Are the homeopathic medicines really effective in acute conditions?

dr. Ema Hudson answers / advises

Answer: You will be surprised to know that homeopathy gained its popularity only because of its ability to show better results in acute conditions and epidemics and history bears its testimony.

Does homoeopathy has any role in female problems like dysmenorrhoea, menstrual irregularities, pre menstrual tension, leucorrhoea, menopausal problems etc?

dr. Carolina James answers / advises

Answer: Off course. Female problems are not any different from other bodily problems. Rather homoeopathy has proved itself to be very efficient in dealing these problems.

I am regularly taking eltroxin for my thyroid problem and my doctor says to continue life long. What can homoeopathy do?

dr. Ema Hudson answers / advises

Answer: When you are on long term/continued allopathic treatment, sudden withdrawal or stoppage can cause severe rebound phenomenon in some cases. That is why this handing over and taking over from one kind of treatment to another has to be monitored very delicately. As the signs of improvement are showing, gradual reduction of the regular medication is advisable.

How and why homoeopathy is better than surgery in kidney stones?

Dr. N Madhavi Reddy D.H.M.S answers / advises

Answer: Stone formation is just a bye-product of abnormal biochemical functions and only removal of stones is not enough. In bilateral, multiple and recurrent stones, surgical intervention has little to offer in the long run. Surgery is only useful when stone is very large and is causing kidney damage.

Can homoeopathy help me in my sterility problem?

dr. Carolina James answers / advises

Answer: Sterility has male and female component. Proper investigations of both the partners is necessary beforehand to decide which one needs treatment. And homoeopathy can help both to facilitate pregnancy.

Can HOMEOPATHY help in treating addictions like smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse?

dr. Ema Hudson answers / advises

Answer: YES! Homeopathy can help in treating addictions » By modifying the craving » By treating withdrawal symptoms » By boosting the self-confidence through CONSTITUTIONAL HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT.

When homeopathy is based on symptoms matching, then, what is the need of Lab-investigations ? (Like blood test, x-ray, ultrasound , CT scan, MRI etc )

dr. Carolina James answers / advises

Answer: Lab investigations are needed initially for disease diagnosis to understand the gravity of the illness to know prognosis of the illness to know the course of the illness to evaluate the correctness of the treatment by retesting when clinical relief is already there.

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